Monday, August 13, 2012

School's in Session!!

So school has started and even though it's hotter than it has been all summer, I'm relaxing a little bit.....too much in fact. With our schedule switched around and 5 more music students on my plate I only hit the gym twice last week. Better than nothing, but lots of room for improvement. I'm full of legitimate excuses. For example, today I have to stay home most of the day to wait for a plumber to replace my water heater. I don't even have a time-frame yet to work with to know when he'll be here. All I know is that my yoga class is at 10am and I'm certain I'll be stuck at home. Excuses, excuses. So I need to make sure that I get there tonight if it comes to that. Afternoons are no good because the gym will only watch kids until 1pm during the day. After school I teach piano until 4:30 and then it's on to dinner, homework, clean-up, family time and bedtime at 7:30. So what does all this mean for me? It means that I get to cowboy up and make sure that whatever I do, I get there. My first priority is my family and so I will not sacrifice my service to them in order to get some treadmill time. So my plan is to go after the kids are in bed. I know that plans change, and it's quite possible that something else could come up and force me to change my plans again. However, it's easier to deviate from a set plan than to come up with plans on the spot. So if adversity steps in my way, I'll be able to sidestep it a little easier. So here's to new schedules, prioiritizing and rearranging life so that we can fit everything in! (including our thighs into those jeans :)