Tuesday, March 8, 2011

No more pudge!!

So I finally broke down and did it. I forked over the cash to join the YMCA. My usual response is "We don't have the money", mainly because for so long we truly didn't. However, as I've learned in the past couple of years, sometimes I have to make changes in order to make financial room. So maybe it's not so much about how much money there is, but rather what I choose to do with it. (That's my Oprah Ah-hah moment) Anyway, I've been a member for 5 whole days now and I'm in love. There's a nice casual feeling in the gym. No competition between who looks best or runs the fastest. There's kind of a general "Way to go" look in everyone's eyes for those around them. In fact, yesterday as I was on the eliptical, there was an older man two machines over. I couldn't help but notice when he picked up his speed and was really pushing himself. When he was done I want to yell good job and give him a high five, but I probably would have fallen off of my machine, and I've never met him before. Having been a new member I didn't want to get thrown out for assault, so I kept on my own workout but felt proud for him.

One of my favorite parts about the gym is being able to look myself in the mirror when my workout gets hard. I can stare at myself and will my body to keep going. What a simple concept this is and it's kind of amazing at the same time how much that helps me. At first I was just hooking up my headphones to watch tv while I biked or walked but today was the first time I didn't watch or listen to anything. My iPod was out of battery and the tv was out on the treadmill. So instead I concentrated on the way I used my muscles with every step rather than just plopping my feet down in order to keep up. It's wonderful to feel that control over my body; to know that I'm in charge of how I workout and not just how often. What an awakening! Again, it seems simple, but it's so valuable.

After warming up on the treadmill for a couple of miles, I made my way over to the resistance machines for circuit training. I haven't weight trained in over a decade! I have some free weights at home that I've used off and on throughout the years, but the convenience of the machines is great and there are other people rotating on the machines so there's no excuse to quit like there is at home with nobody watching. Now I know that the last thing on anyone's mind is how well I or anyone other than themselves is doing in their workout, but it helps to have others around to give me the motivation to finish.

I've lost 4 pounds in the last 5 days. Most of that was due to water weight. (Ladies you know what I'm talkin' bout.) But I'm one pound lighter than I was before I mimicked a blowfish. My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week. and I'm half way there. I weigh-in again this Saturday and take my own measurements to track inches lost, so I've got 3 more workouts to meet my 2 pound goal. I know I can do it and I'm so excited for all the possibilities I will discover during this season of my life. I can't wait to put on my swimsuit this summer and hear the sighs of relief; both from me and from the stitches in my swimsuit. Feeling confident in myself is something only I can give myself and I'm glad to say that I'm making that happen. Whether I'm battling the incline on the treadmill or struggling up a metaphoric hill I'm going to put one foot in front of the other over and over again until I reach the top. No more excuses!!!

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